Subject acceleration is the process of accelerating the pace and/or content in a subject area for high ability students.
Auburn Girls High offers subject acceleration as either an elective option for Year 10 or Mathematics acceleration from Year 8 onwards.
Students in Year 9 who are capable, interested and qualify for subject acceleration will be offered a Preliminary (Year 11) level subject as an elective in Year 10. Students will still be required to take one other elective subject as usual.
In Mathematics highly capable Selective and Enrichment students undertake a +1 compacted Stage 4 Mathematics course. They complete Stage 5 by the end of Year 9 and are then able to undertake the Advanced Mathematics and Extension courses in Year 10 and 11 completing their HSC whilst in Year 11.
High Potential and Gifted Education Policy, Department of Education
Is subject acceleration right for my daughter?
The school holds an information session for parents to provide information about how subject acceleration works and the benefits and drawbacks. The progress of accelerated students is closely monitored. Students are able to withdraw from subject acceleration after discussion with their Deputy Principal. Students who are not attaining the necessary level of achievement in an accelerated subject may be withdrawn from the subject after parent and student discussion.
Individual Learning Plan
In order to undertake an accelerated subject, each student must complete an Individual Learning Plan. This document is a commitment statement that presents why the student wants to undertake an accelerated study of a subject, that they understand the aims and benefits of the Subject Acceleration programme and that they commit to complete the necessary work in their accelerated subject.